Churma Laddoo Recipe

With festivals around the corner, this authentic laddoo recipe is prepared to celebrate special festivals. Churma Laddoo is a popular Rajasthani recipe, traditionally made from coarsely ground wheat flour along with sugar or jaggery. This dessert recipe has a slight variation from the traditional dish which uses regular wheat flour and semolina. This is an easy-to-make sweet dish that you can prepare for your family and friends on special occasions and festivals. Try this easy recipe and enjoy with your loved ones!

For Dough

How to make Churma Laddoo

  • Step 1 Mix wheat flour and semolina

    Take a large bowl and mix together wheat flour and semolina. Next, add 2 tablespoons of melted ghee in the flour and semolina mixture, and mix well.

  • Step 2 Knead the dough

    Now, add lukewarm water (2 to 3 tablespoons at a time) in the bowl and and knead into a stiff dough. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions and roll them into oval shape. (Note: This shape ensures even cooking.)

  • Step 3 Heat ghee and fry the dough balls

    Then, put a kadhai on medium flame and heat the remaining ghee in it. When the ghee is melted and hot enough, lower the flame and carefully drop the dumplings in the kadhai in batches and deep fry them until golden brown in colour. When done, take them out in a paper towel and cool down completely.

  • Step 4 Crush the dumplings

    Let them cool down and when done, crush these fried dumplings in a mixer grinder into powder. Ensure that there are no lumps remaining. If needed, sift the powder through a medium hole sifter and transfer the powder in a large bowl.

  • Step 5 Mix the sugar and cardamom powder

    Now, Mix together powdered sugar along with cardamom powder, nutmeg powder, sliced almonds (equivalent to 1 tablespoon), raisins, granulated sugar, dry roasted coconut flakes and 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds in the sifted flour and combine well. Add the ghee used for deep frying to combine all the ingredients together and mix well.

  • Step 6 Make the ladoo

    Divide this fresh churma mixture into 15 equal portions. Roll out each portion into laddoos using moderate pressure of your palms. (In case, the mixture is dry, you can add additional tablespoon of ghee in the mixture.)

  • Step 7 Spread poppy seeds

    Spread remaining poppy seeds on a plate and roll out each laddoo on them ensuring that a bit of poppy seeds or khuskhus sticks to them.

  • Step 8 Laddoos are ready

    Arrange the laddoos on your serving platter and let them cool down completely. They are best after couple of hours and can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a week to ten days.