Kitchen Hacks 101: Tips and tricks for using a pressure cooker safely at home

In today’s fast-paced world and modern cooking convenience, precise time is paramount to achieve consistently perfect results. Each ingredient demands a specific cooking duration for the desired texture and taste. Whether it is about tough cuts of meat or preserving the crunch of vegetables, understanding and adhering to accurate cooking times is a crucial skill. Keep a close eye on the timer; make necessary adjustments and experiment with various recipes such as instant pot meatloaf, French toast, chocolate chip cheesecake, chicken in wine sauce, cherry & rice pudding and many more.

Electric Cooker or a Stovetop Cooker: Choosing between the two involves weighing various factors to align with your cooking preferences and lifestyle as they come with advantages and considerations. Electric cookers often come with preset cooking functions and digital controls, making them user-friendly and convenient, whereas stovetop models provide more manual control. Electric cookers can take time to build up pressure and start cooking, and stovetop pressure cookers are opposite. Electric pressure cookers have electronic components that may require maintenance or repairs, whereas stovetop models have fewer electronic components, which might result in fewer maintenance concerns. Considering the most critical factor, the price range, electric cookers are priced at a higher cost than a stovetop, but for a stovetop, the price range varies based on the brand & features at times.

Systematic Assembly for Safety: Safe assembly is a cornerstone of pressure cooking. Ensure the rubber gasket is fitted correctly, the pressure valve is clean, and the lid aligns precisely with the cooker’s body. Familiarize yourself with the cooker’s safety features, such as pressure indicators and locking mechanisms, before commencing cooking. There are times when steam release issues and potential overflows might catch you off guard. Choose the right kind and amount of liquid: Stovetop models generally require at least one cup, while electric models follow manufacturer recommendations. Choosing liquids like water, broth, or cooking liquids prevents burning the dishes, and it enhances the flavor. Proper venting and pressure release techniques are essential for your safety. Natural pressure release allows steam to dissipate gradually, preserving the texture and flavor of the dishes. Whereas quick pressure release halts cooking rapidly. Mastering both techniques and understanding when to use them prevents unnecessary accidents and ensures the pressure cooker remains a safe companion.

Safety Precautions: While using a pressure cooker, it is essential to be cautious and attentive at all times. Never leave the cooker unattended while it’s operating. Ensure not to fill the cooker beyond capacity, as this could lead to an explosion. It is best to let the steam release altogether, and the cooker cool down before opening the lid to avoid any injury.

Essential Safety Tips and Tricks: is a valuable guide for understanding pressure cooker usage. It helps in striking a balance between culinary excellence and safety precautions. Understanding the intricacies of steam pressure buildup, the selection of the right cooker, meticulous assembly, appropriate liquid ratios, safe venting and release techniques and other factors helps one understand how to use the tool effectively with all the safety.
Thumb and Embed Images Courtesy: istock
Contributed by: Ankur Agarwal , General Manager & Head of Marketing, TTK Prestige Ltd

Kitchen Hacks 101: How to clean a tea strainer at home

Cleanliness and godliness. We have always read it and have grown up seeing it in Indian kitchens, where every item is thoroughly cleaned to maintain hygiene levels. One kitchen item that often looks tricky to clean is those tea strainers. While straining clear tea is easy, milk tea often leaves behind some residue that gets stuck in the mesh and, in the long run, might lead to bacterial growth. If you are also looking for solutions on how to clean the tea strainers effortlessly, then scroll down, because we have got a few easy hacks to make it simpler for you.

Use dishwashing liquid

First of all, soak the steel strainer in hot water for 5 minutes, and then wash it using dishwashing liquid and a scrubber. You will see that soaking it in hot water will help clean the mesh, and your strainer will start looking brand new.

Use baking soda
This method can be used for both plastic and steel strainers. All you need to do is take a small bowl and mix 1 tbsp baking soda with 4-5 tbsp of warm water. Pour this mixture into a large utensil, in which you can immerse the strainer for a few hours. Use an old toothbrush to clean it, and all the stains will vanish.

Use bleach solution
To use this method, mix 1 tbsp of bleach and 1 cup of cold water. Soak the strainer in the bleach solution for a few hours. Clean the strainer with the help of a toothbrush.

Use alcohol
For this method, you need to mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:4 and then soak the strainer overnight. The next morning, clean it with water.

Use gas burner

Yes, you read it right, and it is one of the most commonly used methods in Indian kitchens. All you need to do is put the strainer on the burner and light the gas. The heat will burn off all the residues, and then you need to wash it off with dishwashing liquid and water.

Which type of tea strainer is good

While the market offers both plastic and steel, it is suggested to use steel as it is safer for the human body. When hot items are strained with plastic ones, they release chemicals, which might not be good for human health.

5 Interesting ways to include beetroot in the daily diet

Most people share a love hate relationship with beetroots and if you too are one of them, then here are some interesting recipe ideas to enjoy this root vegetable and add the goodness of beetroots to your daily diet.Beetroot Salad
Create a vibrant salad by combining grated raw beetroot with ingredients like baby spinach, crumbled feta cheese, walnuts, and a balsamic vinaigrette. The combination of beetroot with cheese and crunchy nuts makes for a delightful salad.

  1. Beetroot Smoothie
    Add a nutritional boost to your morning smoothie by including cooked and peeled beetroot. Blend it with other fruits like berries, bananas, honey, greek yoghurt and enjoy a hearty smoothie.
  2. Beetroot Hummus
    Add nutrition to your regular hummus by adding roasted or steamed beetroot. Blend it with chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, garlic and salt. Serve this with pita bread and chips.
  3. Beetroot Chips
    Slice raw beetroot thinly, toss the slices in a bit of olive oil, and sprinkle with your choice of seasoning like sea salt, black pepper or red chili flakes. Bake them in the oven until they become crisp. Beetroot chips are a nutritious and satisfying alternative to potato chips.
  4. Beetroot Soup
    Beetroot soup is not only nutritious but also visually appealing. You can make a creamy beetroot soup by simmering diced beetroot with onions, garlic, and vegetable broth. Allow this mixture to cool down, blend it together with cream. Season with herbs and spices like dill or cumin and enjoy.